Five Essential Paper Items for Picnics and Outings

Summer is the time for picnics and outings. Preparing for a picnic is not as fun as it may sound and people often overlook many essential items while packing for an outing. This guide will help you shortlist the essentials you should carry to make the picnic trouble-free and enjoyable. Paper Napkins Spills and messes are part of every picnic and you would need lots and lots of paper napkins . Have a hefty supply of quality facial tissues and napkins. Our suggested brands are Scott, Andrex or Cotonelle, all three from the house of Kimberly-Clark. If you have a generous budget, you may go for Kleenex, the ultimate choice in paper napkins. Disposable Plates There are many varieties of disposable plate but the most economy is associated with paper plates. Regular paper plates are available for as low as £2.30 per pack of 100 plates. If you intend to have greasy food, grease resistant paper plates are available at £6.00 per pack of 100. Paper disposable plates are also idea...