Safer Choices of Plastics for Disposables

Ever since its invention, plastic has been the most popular raw material used for low cost containers around the world. Plastic is favoured not only because of its low cost, but also because of the ease of manufacturing, versatile applications and water resistance. Because of these properties, plastic is also the most used raw material for disposable products. As they are, most varieties of plastics are low in toxicity. But the additives used with plastics to alter their properties are all toxic and this is the main risk associated with plastics. Since it is nearly impossible to eliminate the use of plastic disposables completely, here we introduce you to some safer varieties of plastic. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) PET is the most widely used resin from the polyester family and is one of the safest plastics available today. About 30% of all plastic bottles made these days are made of PET. Generally PET is transparent but can turn semi-transparent through various thermal ...