When Disposable Toilet Paper Rolls became Indispensable!

Most of us consider Disposable Toilet Paper Rolls as indispensable part of our bathrooms. But we have never wasted our time thinking or searching the history behind what comes as soft and easily pulled out papers on Toilet Paper Rolls . Ever since the humankind existed, people have always found some skillful ways to clean up after the bathroom act. In the ancient days, the most common solution was to simply grab what people got in hand such as parts of coconuts, shells, snow, moss, hay, leaves, grass, corncobs, sheep's wool and later, when the printing press introduced newspapers, magazines, and pages of books did the chore. While the ancient Greeks used clay and stone, the Romans found their way out with sponges dipped in salt water. Some History The use of paper for hygiene purposes has been recorded in China in the 6th century AD, with specifically manufactured toilet paper being mass-produced in the 14th century. But the real idea of a commercial product desig...