Paper Facial Tissues – How do they help you to maintain hygiene?

Your office or store can be a place where lots of people come and go every day. How much more confined the space may be, the chances of getting infected is more. If the weather is colder, the condition can be worse with lots of people getting affected by cold and flu. The flu causing viruses can be easily transmitted via cross contamination. They can be from anywhere from door knobs, toys, a handshake, and mobile phones, to water bottles, cutlery, the water dispenser, the computer keyboard, coffee mugs, money and many more. A simple touch of a contaminated hand on the nose or eyes can cause an infection. And, how can you stop cross-contamination from happening? This all depends on how you deal with a runny nose and what immediate measures you take to guard yourself from the mess caused every time you sneeze. Surely, you use a facial tissue s or a handkerchief of some sort, but what sort? Facial tissues provide a good solution as they can be safely used and di...